Hemoparasiticide and chemotherapy injectable
For canines and bovines
- Recommended for canine Erhlichiosis control and treatment
- Recommended for bovine Babesiosis and Anaplasmosis control and treatment

PRESENTATION: Vial bottle containing 20 and 100 ml.
FORMULA: Imidocarb dipropionate 12 g. Excipients q.s. 100 ml.
INSTRUCTIONS: Dogs: Hemoparasiticide and chemotherapy injectable treatment.
Bovines: Hemoparasiticide and chemotherapy injectable treatment.
SUPPLY AND DOSAGE: Dogs: 6 mg/kg b.w. representing 0.5 ml/10 kg, ideally diluted in physiological solution and administered subcutaneously. Administration of atropine is recommended before applying Imidocarb, one dose of 0.025 mg/kg. No less than 14 days shall pass between applications of the treatment.
Bovines: dosage may differ depending on the treated condition and subcutaneous route of administration. Babeiosis: 1 ml every 100 kg b.w. Anaplasmosis: 2,5 ml every 100 kg b.w.